Gilly’s understanding and enthusiasm was an inspiration and I look forward to being part of the BodyTalk system, which I believe will be the healing of the future — UK, 2005
Introduction Lecture
Topics Covered
- History of The BodyTalk System
- Fundamental principles of The BodyTalk System
- How BodyTalk can integrate with other systems of health
- Introduce BodyTalk Access
- Explain the difference between BodyTalk Access and Full BodyTalk Sessions
- Learn the basic cortex correction to improve brain function & reduce stress
- Explain how a BodyTalk session is tailored made to address each client’s symptoms
- Explain how The BodyTalk System addresses common health problems
- Do a live demonstration of a BodyTalk session
BodyTalk Access
Topics Covered
- Health empowerment in 10 minutes
- 5 Basic BodyTalk techniques combined into a daily regime
- Empowers people to rely less on the medical systems and take more responsibility for their own health and that of their families
- Designed to maintain health and balance the body’s major energy systems
- Designed to optimize brain clarity and function
- Designed to strengthen the immune system
- Stress management
- Fast Aid protocol
- Based on sound scientific energy principles
- Can be taught to anyone
BodyTalk Fundamentals (Modules 1 2)
Section 1
- Getting Permission for Body/Mind Access
- Basic Cortex Correction for Neurological Imbalance
- Switching (Basic Dyslexia Treatment)
- Balancing Sphenobasilar Junction
- Balancing Hydration and Water Metabolism
- Clearing Scars and Adhesions
- Linking Organs, Endocrines, Body Parts
- Specific Brain Balancing
Section 2
- Linking the Body/Mind to Environmental Factors
Section 3 (covered in Matrix Dynamics / Module 9)
Section 4
- Addressing Viruses, Infections, Parasites, Food Intolerances, Toxins, and Allergens
- Clearing Emotions, Phobias, and Belief Systems from the Body/Mind Complex
- Cellular Repair (addressing vaccines, hereditary and other acquired diseases)
- Clearing the Lymphatic System
- Improving the Circulatory and Nervous Systems
- Balancing the Chakras
- Facilitating the Body/Mind through the Traditional Chinese Medicine Pulses and Wei Qi
- Unwinding the Spine, aligning the Musculoskeletal System specifically and in general
BodyTalk Extensive (Advanced Modules)
Topics Covered
- Detailed review of the protocol procedure
- Review of BT principles
- Review of Innate wisdom of client vs. Innate clarity of practitioner
- More in depth examination of the Appendices
- Increasing reliability of yes/no answers
- Development of a BodyTalk practice
- How to use an intake form effectively
- How to follow up with your clients and asking for referrals
- Practice-oriented workshop
- All sessions are live (sometimes we bring in members of the public)
- Group live sessions in front of class
BioDynamics (Modules 4 7)
Topics Covered
- Review of Advanced Procedure DVD (Parcels, packages, satellites, parallel sessions, subsessions)
- Five Elements
- Wei Qi (extrinsic energy system)
- Breathing Cycle – a study of all aspects
- Diaphragm – its role in emotional synthesis & a specific releasing technique to improve its function
- Bodygenics – a technique designed to safely remove stuck emotions from the body tissues to enhance function
- Body Vivaxis – realigns the energy patterns of the body which in turn can realign the physical structure greatly enhancing function
- Muscle relationships – study the emotional and psychological relationships of the major muscles and how to use this knowledge to correct imbalances/injuries
- Skeletal injuries – guidelines in using BT to address acute and chronic sports injuries. This goes far beyond just sports injuries – recovery from surgery, accidents, strokes and chronic pain. Learn to perform all techniques energically.
- Performance – Sports – using an agenda session to prepare for a sporting event
- Performance – General – using an agenda to prepare for any demanding specific situation e.g. surgery, exam, public speaking, artistic performance